The health system revealed at the Disability Royal Commission

The third public hearing of the Disability Royal Commission heard from a wide range of people with disability, advocates, families and academics, who all told of failures in health care that are leading to the deaths of disabled people. The hearing heard directly from...
What’s next for the NDIS?

What’s next for the NDIS?

My latest essay is out on the public health news site, Croakey, looking at the major NDIS changes coming from the Tune Review, but more importantly, whether this will make the NDIS work for disabled people. As part of the research for the essay, I started to think...
What IDPWD stories to disabled people want?

What IDPWD stories to disabled people want?

Often media coverage of International Day of People with Disability (IDPWD) can be shallow, and focus on issues that aren’t central to disabled people. I asked disabled people for their ideas for different stories about what matters to them- ‘more about...
Climate Strike

Climate Strike

How can moves to address climate change, and protests to demand action, include disabled people? Alice Wong, Jason Boberg and Mia highlighted the different ways that organisers of the climate protests weren’t making them accessible. Alice raised that...
The original baby bonus

The original baby bonus

[First published in the Summer Edition, The King’s Tribune, 2014] “The rights of property have always been more earnestly considered than the rights of the human being. The criminal who injures or appropriates another man’s property is more heavily...
The original baby bonus

Dreaming of home

[First published in The King’s Tribune, 2013] Recent prognostications on whether there is a housing bubble going on are only looking at part of the complicated picture of where Australians call home. For the 30% of Australians who rent,  finding secure and...